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  • 联 系 人:肖剑
  • 联系电话:081****20037;
  • 联系地址:四川省绵阳市经开区松垭镇德政街1号 [查看地图]
当前位置: 四川华欧油橄榄开发有限公司 > 机构简介

Sichuan HUA-OU Olive Development Co., LTD, registered in Mianyang Modern Agriculture Sci-Tech Demonstration Area, deals with a wide range of businesses, such as olive plantation, production, importation & exportation, research, training, service, and consultation, etc.. Its operation concept is: to promote the agricultural industrialization, to develop Chinese olive industry, and to take positively part into the construction of the new socialist countryside, the company is to make best use of scale merit, gather group advantages, base on the operation pattern of company + model parks + agricultural people + plantation base to carry out plantation, process and research together.